Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I like basset hounds.
I am the same way.
I drool.
I'm quiet, unless left unsupervised.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The other day I had a caller ask if we could make their printer print slower because they weren't prepared to handle it being so fast. You have to think the person getting that trouble ticket is scratching their head, but the customer asks for service so we put in the request. "Customer requests printer won't print so fast." When we write up the tickets, we read them back so the customer can confirm what we've entered. In this case the customer agreed with what I wrote. I added a little note in the tech notes for the field tech, as well. At first I was going to apologize then I decided they needed a laugh as well.
My first caller of the day...
The phone rings, I answer with my usual phrase and the customer says "Oh, I guess I should break it so you can fix it. I'll call back after I do that." *click*
You have to wonder.
So the other day I was driving down the road, saw one of those "Attractions" signs that they post so you'll know what is nearby as far as sights and entertainment and such.
I got a little upset.
So, on this road sign was "Your Mom -- 4 miles".
I thought that a bit rude.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I came upstairs to help the kids get ready for the evening, bath time, picking out clothes and such.
I get to the top of the stairs, and look over and there stands one of the twins naked as a jaybird, her legs slightly apart and she has a mirror and is using it to check herself out.
I asked what was going on, she said nothing.
Yep, she's a kid.
I asked if she had questions, she said she did.
I asked her if she wanted to go talk to mom.
She said she did.
I left, poured myself a double and went back to playing computer games.
I will not survive three girls, puberty, and boys I think.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Well, I just tried to do the Snoopy dance in celebration of It's a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I think I threw out my back.

Monday, November 12, 2007

A customer calls with a system problem.
I ask them to power off the computer.
They ask me if they should power it off completely.
I debated telling them to only shut off what wasn't working and we'd
leave the good stuff on.
So I'm watching the tv show Numb3rs the other night.
The episode is about an MMORPG and some other stuff.
The characters in the show are talking about their characters in the game, and using gaming lingo.
Builds, guilds, alliances and other nonsense.
In any case I looked over at my wife and said "I sound like that, don't I?"
She said yes.
I said "Damn, I'm such the nerd."
She said yes.

For my MMORPG friends that read the blog, the final line should be "She said that my build sucks and I should shut up and respec."

Saturday, November 03, 2007

So, I went looking in the cabinet today for a new razor.
I noticed the plethora of feminine products.
They were "light" or "mini" or "with wings", and it got me to thinking.
If dudes got periods instead of women, our products would be stuff like "Blood Dam 4000", "Clotstopper 2K", and "Mega Flow Blocker with Extras"
We wouldn't have wussy product names. We'd have cool products.
"The Hoover Dam of flow control" would be a tagline.
There'd be a skull on the packaging.
We wouldn't have wings on 'em, we'd have flames!
So, after that line of thinking I realized something else.
If guys got periods, we'd cure it.
My wife is punishing me for napping.
She went out to get dinner while I was unconscious.
She brought home Little Caesar's pizza.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Would an earthquake on Mars be a marsquake or can non-Earth soil be deemed "earth" or would you go outside and dig in the mars if you lived there?

After asking the question all I heard was a bang and a thud from his cube.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I just told my wife that I thought her arse was haunted, or possibly possessed.
I offered to exorcise it for her.