Sunday, October 28, 2007

Uh oh, I've been told we are going over to my mom's place.
We have to go, because that is where the littlest one is being kept at this time.
Apparently my suggestion to leave her there until college was nixed by the others.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Oh well, I'm out.
I'll be back.
Unless I get a better offer.
Or a computer that'll be stable with WoW.
Or the wife drinks too much.
Trying to play some WoW on the other machine.
Watching it die, then listening to me curse, then yelling at the wife to stop yelling at me for cursing at the computer.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday and for Christmas.
Apparently nookie either isn't an option or is already gifted.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

We took the four year old to the movies today.
At one point she was dancing in the aisle with the empty popcorn bucket on her head.
Yeah, there is my future Ivy Leaguer.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The littlest one has returned home.
My mom apparently had enough of her.
I don't know.
I got home.
The little one was here.
The wife was drinking, crying and curled up in the fetal position.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I'm trying to convince the wife into makin' out since we're kidless.
She isn't interesting.
er, interested.
She's interesting.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The four year old beat me with a stick to wake me up.
We went to the library, her soccer game, then a birthday party for a classmate of hers.
We're home now.
I'm hiding out.
Nite folks
Bed is calling to me.
Collect, though.
Which is weird.
I gave it a calling card to use.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Customer Service Week continues at my office.
Yesterday was pajama day, nothing says customer service like boxer shorts and hair up in curlers.
Today is Redneck day. We are in Kentucky.
How is today any different than any other day?
I guess if someone dresses up in something other than a rented powder blue tuxedo that might count.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It is "Customer Service Week" at my office this week.
In celebration of it, today is "Pirate Day". After all, no other group says customer service quite like pirates.
My daughter is tricky.
She is coniving [sic]
She asked me to play Star Wars.
Star Wars Barbies!
(everyone else) HA HA!