Thursday, August 23, 2007

A customer calls up with a problem with a Blackberry.
I give him the simple fix.
He says that won't fix the issue.
I asked him to try it, and why he thought it wouldn't resolve his issue when it works for so many others.
He said he didn't know why, but he knew that it wouldn't resolve his issue.
He refuses to try the simple/quick fix.
I ask him what will fix the issue.
He said he didn't know, but he figured he would call us.
Again I suggested he try the proven solution.
He won't budge.
I ask him why he called us if he doesn't want to fix the problem and what he wants us to do.
He asks for my manager so he can complain.
I ask him for his manager so I can complain about him.
He says he'll hang up, I don't know who he is and he'll try something else.
I repeat his name, his employee information, his phone number and office address back to him and thank him for calling.
He asks how I have all that, I said you gave it to us when you gave us your employee number when you called in.
He got quiet.
He tried the solution.
His device started working.
He thanked me.
I'm going to send him flowers.

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