Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm back.
I went to get the pizza.
I pull up to the pizza place, go in to pick up the order.
I ask for the call-in/carry-out, and they can't find it.
I'm like "WTF you can't find it? We called it in 20 minutes ago. Where's my pizza."
So after a while I end up with a couple of free pizzas, bread sticks, and soda.
I won. They messed up.
I get home.
I carry the stuff in, and the wife asks me why I have Donato's pizza stuff.
I'm like "It is where we get pizza from all the time".
She's like not this time, we had a coupon for Pizza Hut.
Yeah, I held up a store by being an ass.
Next time I'm trying it at a car dealership.

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