Thursday, August 09, 2007

Okay, so Tuesdays are trash days.
The wife was up, and she bagged the trash. I said I would walk it down to the street before I left.
So, I took the trash out and walked down the hill from our townhouse to the street.
We don't have trash bins, so we all just leave our trash bags in a pile by the driveway and street.
I wind up and fling one of the bags of trash, as I release it I notice something moving amongst the bags already there.
I figure it is a raccoon, or maybe a cat. No big deal.
I toss the second bag, and it is targeted for the critter.
As it is about to make contact I realize it is a skunk.
A damned skunk was in the trash.
It turns towards me, and comes running.
I take off.
I have a skunk after me.
I run up the hill, and into the garage.
I'm wheezing, panting, and laughing and hoping the damned thing didn't follow me into the garage.
It didn't.
I got into the house, sweat is dripping off me, I'm panting and the wife freaks out because she thinks I've had a heart attack or something from just a little bit of effort.
I tell her.
She laughs at me.
I thought it was funny.
It would have been the perfect excuse to call off work.
"Umm Mike, I can't make it today. Yeah. I know. I got sprayed by a skunk. I have to be hosed off now."
Then I figured fsck it. If I had gotten sprayed, I would just go to work all smelly and they could deal with it.

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