Monday, September 10, 2007

I work at a help desk. The calls I get are the usual.
Today I had one of those calls that shouldn't surprise you.
The customer called in because they couldn't change their password on a system they didn't have an account on and were kind of perturbed about it.
I asked them to make sure they didn't have an account, and that they weren't just using the wrong system. The confirmed they didn't have an account.
I checked the system and they didn't have an account.
I asked them why they wanted to change the password on an account that didn't exist.
They thought they should be able to do it for some reason.
I can't figure it out.
I said to apply for an account on that system then they could change the password on the account.
They asked me to make the account for them because if they did the paperwork it would be a waste of time.
I think they must have worked for the government.

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