Tuesday, January 30, 2007

whilden plays blackjack, drinks and supports his wife and her shopping habit.
In exchange, she lets him be seen in public with her.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jetta, come pick me up and we'll roll over and hang out with Silicon and Co.
[Silicon] Works for me
Bring the GF, you can drop her off with my wife.
She'll learn things to make your life miserable.
That probably isn't a selling point, now that I think about it.
The three year old is smart.
She is taking a bite out of each cookie.
No one else wants to eat them, then.
I think of it as quality control.
The kids are making cookies with grandma, it could be an exciting time or a trip to the emergency room.
She doesn't have to ask me about anything, she'll do what she damn well pleases.
She's German.
If I mess with her, she invades France.
We had lunch at my mom's place, the wife has Poison Control on speed dial.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Well, I am out of here.
See ya'll later.
I have to go make sure the dam doesn't fail.
Going to look for a dyke to stick in it.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

So, during the interview today they asked me why I wanted to leave my current company and current city of residence.
For the first part I talked about advancement, lack of opportunities here, need to move elsewhere so might as well look around.
For the second part I asked "Have you ever been to Somerset?"

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So, I looked over at the wife and said no one was talking to me in IRC, the gaming rig has hung and there is nothing on tv and asked her if she wanted to have sex.
So, she did.
I can't win.
Taco Bell is one of those "I'm hungry, I don't know what I want but I want a lot" kind of places.
It is also good when you are contemplating suicide and figure you want them to find something in your stomach during the autopsy.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I took the kids out this morning, had some breakfast, grabbed a newspaper and came home
While we were out I saw this pamphlet titled "Dentistry Revealed".
I thought it was amusing, like dentistry was some big secret the area had to be told about.
But, looking at some of the people around here they may want to consider something more than a pamphlet.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I got fired today
My wife isn't all that upset, either.
Of course it was my three year old doing the firing.
She's mad at me.
I ate her m&m candies.
So when I got home I was met at the door by the three year old, she looked at me and said "Daddy, you're fired!" and she stomped off.
I asked what that meant, and she said I had to leave.
I can't bring myself to spend money on stuff, though.
Money is tight.
I got a bonus at work.
My wife asked me what I was going to buy for myself.
I said "groceries".
My company has developed a time machine.
We can take someone one hour into the future in only 61 minutes.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So, my eldest daughter asked the wife where babies come from.
My wife tried to explain it, and the daughter kept asking questions.
I am quite disturbed.
Apparently my wife provided quite a bit of information.
And, I'm like "A six year old doesn't need that kind of info
So, I told the wife when our daughter comes home knocked up it will be my wife's fault, and she'll have to deal with it.
I'm not going to jail for that one.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

It is funny, people write text in their descriptions like "Don't attack me, I have 50k attacks to unleash on you
It is funny, you can only hit someone 50 times/day, so 50k don't mean squat.
I was going to change my description to read "This account protected by all the idiotic things everyone else puts here to say don't attack them because of, AND I'm still bangin' your mom so STFU!"

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Dice.com is to headhunters what myspace.com is to pedophiles.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

There may be a mouse in the house.
So, everything in the house has to be cleaned, boiled, sanitized and atomized just in case the mouse or mice thought about touching it, came near it or were in the same room with it.
I don't argue with the wife.
It's easier to go along with her.
She's German.
If I question her, I have to go into the freight car by the railroad and surrender, then it gets ugly.

Monday, January 01, 2007

We're over at my mom's, I may have to go back and watch football on the other tv.
I hope to be home to watch the Rose Bowl.
But, my mom wants to feed the kids pizza before we go.
I think the kids have an immunity to my mom's cooking.
I'm verifying the fact that I'm not allergic to shrimp.
I think I've had a couple hundred of them today.
I'm pretty aggressive in eating them, apparently. I've got cocktail sauce stains on my shirt, in the armpit
At least I think it is cocktail sauce.
I made a resolution.
I promised myself I wouldn't yell at my wife or kids this year.
And, each time I felt myself getting angry I'd just calm down and go take a shower.
The wife is wondering why I've taken 18 showers today.
Earlier today my wife asked me why I wasn't snacking.
I said I was holding out for the sausage balls.
My wife said we weren't having them for the holiday.
I said "You've let two hours of solid snacking go by without telling me?"
We're going to see a marriage counselor tomorrow.
My mom clicks every click and on every pop-up and each e-mail she gets.
It is pathetic.
If she keeps this up, I'm replacing her computer with a Lite Brite.
The three year old is mad.
She bit a book, tore it and the wife sent her off to bed.
She's mad that she got sent to bed.
I suppose we should feed her occasionally.
But, she did devour a good book today, and she probably needs the ruffage.