Friday, August 28, 2009

I think Windows Vista had the interface designed by someone who sat at a Mac for 30 minutes and also heard about apt-get from a buddy down at the Circle K.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I got in trouble the other day, but the scenario is funnier if you use fast food as the example.

A customer walks into McDonald's and orders a Whopper. The cashier says we don't have Whoppers, but lets go get in my car and I'll drive you over to Burger King because that is what I have to do. The cashier takes the customer to Burger King, gets them their food and makes sure they are happy. Meanwhile, the customers at McDonald's are standing in line staring at a cash register with no cashier.
"My buddy Hobbes contacted me the other day.
She wanted me...
To update the blog.
Damn, this was better had I stopped at the second line."
