Friday, February 27, 2009

So, there was an article about my company in a big magazine a couple of years ago. It wasn't favorable, and a co-worker just found it.
So, I explained that at least we weren't sub-contractors on the Death Star.My co-worker gets a puzzled look on his face and asks what is the Death Star.
I explain Star Wars, the Death Star, etc. to him.
He said he hasn't watch Star Wars.
I went and disabled his computer account and contacted HR.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our support phone number ends up published in various places so occasionally we get oddball phone calls. Today I had a vendor that called, and with an accent told me "I have technology that we just
invented that could have prevented 9/11."

So, I'm thinking to myself either he hasn't mastered the language OR he has mastered time travel. I'm hoping for the latter.